Efficient Resume Search
- Over 2,300 resume sources
- Scheduled search agents
- Internal database search
- Resume de-duplication
- Target zip codes search
- Automated boolean search
- Saved search library
Diverse Candidate Sources
- Premium & free employment site
- Search engines
- Military sites
- Professional networks
- Social networks
- College sites
- State and local job sites
Recruitment Marketing
- Bulk email campaigns
- Email template libraries
- Job postings
- Custom job web pages
- Branded job application pages
- Social job sharing
- Automated reminders
Candidate Management
- Custom pipeline folders
- Automated reminders
- Tasks and scheduling tools
- Document library
- Candidate sharing tools
Compliance Tools
- User roles
- Permissions setting
- Custom actions
- Custom tasks
- Custom events
Custom Reporting
- Custom advanced reports
- Custom dashboards
- Graphic and detail reports
- Reports permission
- Email/PDF/In Product report sharing
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